Current Exhibitions
American Modernism
Mark Dion
Shaper 3D (2018) - Interactive
Chair Survey (2018) - Dashboard
Chair Survey (2018) - Chair One
Chair Survey (2018) - WW Stool
Chair Survey (2018) - Proust Armchair
Chair Survey (2018) - phpliteadmin
Various videos for Clowes Gallery Reinstall (2022)
Clowes Gallery Reinstall 2022 - Pere Vall
Clowes Gallery Reinstall (2022) - Pissarro and Brueghel
Clowes Gallery Reinstall (2022) - Virgin of Guadalupe
Clowes Gallery Reinstall (2022) - Myth of Whiteness
Clowes Gallery Reinstall (2022) - Eleanora di Toledo
LUME: Monet & Friends Alive (2022) - artist bios
Steven Sprouse (2022)
We. The Culture - Works by The Eighteen Art Collective
Indiana Pathways
Past Exhibitions
Past exhibition interactives are provided for reference only. These interactives are provided as is and with no current plan to modify or improve them.
CSI: On the Flip Side
CSI: Baugniet (2016?) - AKA. What Lies Beneath
CSI: After Bosch (2019)- AKA. What Lies Beneath Reimplemented for Portraits of the Clowes Collection
African Shops - Interactive
African Shops - Leaderboard
Pointallism Video
StarStudio: Artist Photo Booth - Slide Show
City as Canvas: Touchtable
City as Canvas: TDSBear167
City as Canvas: ChiChi
Crazy Quilts
Audubon - Personality Quiz
Audubon - About
Portraits of the Clowes Collection Guestbook (2019)
Portraits Guestbook (2019) - Manage Signatures